

Not specified


The LogServer parameter, which you can set only to a value of Console and which must be used with the UseLogServer parameter set to true, specifies that logging output generated by Jade batch utilities (for example, from the jadloadb or jdbutilb executable) is redirected to the standard output (stdout). This redirects all of your log output (for example, output to the jommsg.log file) to stdout so that batch wrapper scripts can capture output for redisplay, reformat, customized display, and so on.

If you do not specify the LogServer parameter value of Console or you specify false (the default) for the UseLogServer parameter, logging output is not directed to stdout. (If you want Jade log messages and application messages output to the display server, set the DisplayApplicationMessages parameter to true.)

Parameter is read when …

The node is next initialized; for example, when you restart the database server, application server, or the standard (fat) client.


You can also specify these parameters (with the preceding JadeLog.) as arguments on the command line of the batch utility, as shown in the following example.

jadloadb path=\system schemaFile=\scm\test.scm JadeLog.UseLogServer=true JadeLog.LogServer=Console JadeLog.DisplayApplicationMessages=true

Batch utilities can use the specification of these parameters as arguments in the command line of a Jade batch executable or in the [JadeLog] section to capture the jommsg.log output to a file by using the relevant operating system file redirection operators for standard output; for example:

>> log.out 2>&1

If you use this redirection mechanism, all output to all Jade log objects is logged to both the relevant log file and to standard output; that is, this mechanism captures output to jommsg.log, jomreorg.log, application logs, and so on.